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Look and Feel Project

3 septembre 2011 6 03 /09 /septembre /2011 10:41

 The DrawLAF Java Bean can, now, start external commands, then get the result back.



It allows the developer to start external commands, then after get the result or the error.

A new method has been added to the DrawLAF Java Bean : SET_EXT_PROG.

Result text or error message is transmitted to the bean through new Custom Item Event added to the DrawLAF When-Custom-Item-Event trigger.
The event name is EXT_MSGSTND for a correct result or EXT_MSGERROR for an error message. The text itself is transmitted line by line and asynchronously via the EXT_MSGTEXT event.


Get it now !


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31 août 2011 3 31 /08 /août /2011 21:12

I have just updated the good old Multirecord PJC. It can, now, handle buttons. The only standard way to personalize an object in a multi-record table block is to use the Set_Item_Instance_Property() built-in.

Unfortunately, the list of properties you can alter is very limited, reason why I created the multi-record PJC.

     Multi-record PJC textfield

The properties you can set to the multi-record button are:

  - label
  - hint
  - tooltip
  - font
  - background color
  - foreground color
  - icon
  - enable
  - visible


Try it ;-)

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20 août 2011 6 20 /08 /août /2011 08:47


A few months ago, I delivered the Forms Magnifier tool, capable of adjusting the Forms elements size and location at runtime, whatever the screen size is. This tool allows the application to fit any screen resolution in an heterogeneous PC pool.

Today, I deliver its little brother called Forms Resizer. This one is “lighter” in a way that there is no Java Bean nor PL/SQL library added to the application. It just takes a source (.FMB) file in entry, then generate another one with every object size and location adjusted to a new given resolution. At the same time, you can also set the properties of the main Forms objects in a one shot.


So Forms Magnifier addresses the problem : "In our company, we have PCs with different screen size and we want the Forms Application to use the maximum resolution size for each of them" while Forms Resizer addresses another problem : "we have designed a Forms Application for 800x600 screen resolution, and we want to have it, now, for a 1024x800 new resolution, and we also want to take benefit of the conversion to change many Forms properties in my modules".


If you get at least, one of these problems, have a try of the trial versions that come along.



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4 août 2011 4 04 /08 /août /2011 07:49

Here is another example of what "beautiful" Oracle Forms screens you can design if a talented Designer like José you are .




Notice the "fineness" of the toolbar, composed by LAF Buttons on a gradient colored toolbar canvas




Watch them in full size on the LAF site gallery page


Special thanks to José



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22 juillet 2011 5 22 /07 /juillet /2011 07:34

The LAF project tool (1.6.7) has been recently updated, so if you got it before the 21st of July 2011 and would ensure you have the more updated version, download it again from the LAF site.



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26 juin 2011 7 26 /06 /juin /2011 08:39

 Here is a Pluggable Java Component from Andreas Weiden, to have a "Card" item style within a single Text Item.

CardItem PJC


   Read the article

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4 avril 2011 1 04 /04 /avril /2011 09:30

Here is a good article by Michel Schildmeijer about how to tune your Forms installation


It is a worth reading for every Forms team that want to try optimizing their applications.

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3 avril 2011 7 03 /04 /avril /2011 08:01

When you migrate to the latest Forms version ( or 11) and try using a JavaBean created with an older Forms version, you can get the following error, at runtime, in the Java Console:

Exception in thread "thread applet-oracle.forms.engine.Main-1" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.forms.handler.IHandler.getApplet()Ljava/applet/Applet

The reason is you try to use a Java Bean compiled with an older Forms JAR file, like f90all.jar.
So, to correct the issue, you have to change the Java code then re-create the JAR file:

private Main         formsMain = null;


    formsMain  =  (Main) handler.getApplet();


     // getting the Forms Main class
      Method method = handler.getClass().
            getMethod("getApplet", new Class[0]);

      Object applet = method.invoke(handler, new Object[0]);
      if (applet instanceof Main) {
         formsMain = (Main)applet;
    }catch(Exception ex) {;} 

Then create and deploy the new JAR file to your /forms/Java folder.

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9 février 2011 3 09 /02 /février /2011 07:39

This new version comes with the JDBC asynchronous calls, that allow the developer to execute asynchronous database procedures and functions, via the JDBC driver, without "freezing" the Forms screen during the long time processes.

Those executions are made in a Forms' independant connection.


 Get the new version

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6 février 2011 7 06 /02 /février /2011 13:22


Here is a Pluggable Java Component from Andreas Weiden, to have expandable/collapsable canvas.

It allows a simple Push Button Item to expand/collapse the whole content of a canvas like a Tree item.

Accordion Java Bean

         Get it now

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